Octopus Flux Explained

Last updated: October 28, 2024

Are you eager to save hundreds of pounds annually through a smart solar export tariff? Intelligent Octopus Flux, known for offering the highest export rates on the market, can maximise your solar earnings with automatic, smart solar battery management!

This standout smart export tariff can also lower your import costs while simultaneously supporting the grid in handling on-peak energy use across the network.

With Ofgem recently announcing a 10% rise in the energy price cap, more households are showing an interest in smart technology so they can lower their bills.

If you’re ready to maximise your solar export earnings, this guide is for you! Today, we’ll explore how you can effortlessly earn more through Intelligent Octopus Flux while letting smart tech take care of the details.

So, without further ado, let’s look at everything you should know about this innovative smart tariff, from how it works to its solar export prices!

Key Points:

  • Highest Export Rates: You can earn hundreds of pounds annually by automatically selling solar power to the grid during on-peak hours, with Octopus export rates averaging £0.29 per kWh at these times!*
  • Cost Savings: Intelligent Octopus Flux also automatically charges your storage battery during off-peak hours, lowering your costs
  • Automation: The tariff’s smart, automatic features mean no need for manual intervention either!
  • Current Limitations: As a beta product, Intelligent Octopus Flux may still come with operational issues early on
  • Eligibility Criteria: You must have a GivEnergy battery installed to be eligible, among other requirements
  • Grid Support: Tariffs like Intelligent Octopus Flux can limit energy grid strain through smart battery management, making it a win-win for the consumer and supplier

*We discuss these prices, including how we came to this average figure, in much more detail in our ‘How Much Can I Earn Through Intelligent Octopus Flux?’ section!

Introduction to Intelligent Octopus Flux

To kick things off, we’ll sum up all the must-know details of this tariff, including how Intelligent Octopus Flux works. In turn, this will give you an idea of what to expect and why this tariff could be a great option for you.

In general, smart solar tariffs, a.k.a. smart export tariffs, mean a tariff an energy supplier offers allowing customers to sell electricity to the grid while benefiting from smart tech use to increase earnings automatically.

If you’re already prepared to sign up and want to know how, feel free to skip to the next section. First, though, what exactly is Intelligent Octopus Flux?

What is Intelligent Octopus Flux?

Want to lower your electricity import costs and increase your export earnings simultaneously? As a smart solar import and export tariff, Intelligent Octopus Flux can maximise your profits through smart and automatic storage battery management.

While prices change over time, the prices for selling and purchasing electricity are the same as each other during off-peak hours in a given location. Likewise, on-peak prices for selling or purchasing are equal for any given location.

As suggested, off-peak and on-peak pricing both differ across the UK. That said, the average estimates stand at £0.22 per kWh at off-peak times and £0.29 per kWh at on-peak hours based on a selection of towns and cities.

We go into more detail on the above in the ‘Intelligent Octopus Flux Import and Export Rates’ section later.

We based our estimates on details taken from the Octopus Energy ‘check your rates tool’. By selling energy to the grid at peak hours, you’ll earn around 30% more than you would at off-peak hours!

How Intelligent Octopus Flux Works

In short, this tariff manages your battery to increase income while strategically buying and selling power automatically.

But what exactly does this look like in practice, and why are customers drawn to this setup?

The Key Points Of How Intelligent Octopus Flux Works

Here’s a breakdown of how Intelligent Octopus Flux works in more detail:

  • Intelligent Octopus Flux ensures your battery charges during off-peak hours (2am to 5am), meaning you spend less automatically
  • The battery charges more over the following hours (if needed) when regular prices apply, landing somewhere between off- and on-peak prices
  • Octopus will discharge your battery from 4pm to 7pm (the tariff’s on-peak hours)
  • Intelligent Octopus Flux treats your solar battery as a way to improve your income, not simply to sell excess solar energy regardless of time or price
  • Smart battery controls determine how much of your solar energy should be used for directly powering your home*

*This is possible since the smart battery controls use weather forecasts to make smart calculations.

Why Customers Like Intelligent Octopus Flux

Many people appreciate smart tariffs like Intelligent Octopus Flux since it means you won’t need to pay extra to buy electricity than you would to sell it.

This intelligent export tariff also beats many competitors (as we’ll expand on later) since, unlike alternatives, it automatically uses on-peak and off-peak energy periods.

This means that customers can sell for more and buy for less without really needing to do anything manually themselves. 

Intelligent Octopus Flux not only rewards customers when their battery has reached a certain storage level but also uses off-peak and on-peak times to provide further advantages.

Does Intelligent Octopus Flux Also Sell New Energy To The Grid At Peak Times?

On the other hand, most export tariffs do not offer the added benefit of automatically discharging at certain times of the day.

On another note, you might like to sell newly generated solar electricity to the grid during the on-peak hours.

However, newly generated solar is often used for at-home power during the 4-7pm on-peak window. After all, your electricity needs will likely be highest at these times.

Also, in the winter, this window may not allow for that much solar electricity during the shorter days of the year.

On the contrary, though, selling new power directly to the grid for on-peak rates may work for you during the summertime and even parts of the Spring and autumn.

When trying to figure out the best practices for areas like the above, it’s best to chat with the energy supplier directly.

What Is The Purpose of Intelligent Octopus Flux?

As we’ve shown, Intelligent Octopus Flux can be financially beneficial for customers. But how does it benefit Octopus Energy?

Summarising How Smart Tariffs Benefit Octopus Energy

For the most part, this tariff can benefit Octopus Energy by attracting new customers and easing pressures on the grid.

Here’s a breakdown of the key reasons why Octopus could benefit from smart tariffs:

  • They can attract new customers by offering great export rates
  • The tariff is appealing because of its low prices for battery charging
  • Customers might also enjoy the tariff’s convenient, automatic nature, too
  • Octopus and the wider industry can save money and time by increasing solar energy storage in households, meaning less of a need to use or build renewable energy storage elsewhere
  • Octopus Energy can enhance its image as both a leading energy supplier when it comes to renewables and smart tech uses

Intelligent Octopus Flux Can Ease Grid Pressures

Another, more indirect way Intelligent Octopus Flux may reduce grid pressures is by making customers more aware of on-peak energy periods.

This can inspire households to use less electricity when prices are highest. This is something commonly seen with smart battery use, which makes customers more conscious of their energy use levels. Intelligent Octopus Flux could, in theory, have a similar but more subtle effect.

The grid currently spends a lot of money on ‘constraint payments’, in which they pay energy producers to change what they are doing when the grid cannot handle this type of added power input.

Addressing issues with energy storage and needs elsewhere through at-home storage batteries can consequently pay off for companies like Octopus over time.

Back in August, many news sources reported that the grid had paid about £205 million to Scottish wind farm operators to turn off turbines at certain times.

The above scenario happens when Scottish-based wind power generation cannot be redirected to England because of grid capacity limitations and when there is not sufficient demand locally either.

The National Grid says that the total figure for constraint costs in Great Britain already surpassed £1 billion in 2021 and may peak at a shocking £2.25 billion in 2026.

Ultimately, energy grid limitations can be expensive and wasteful, further highlighting the value of smart tariffs like Intelligent Octopus Flux. This is whether it eases grid pressures in one way or more.

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What is the Current Status and Limitations of Intelligent Octopus Flux?

What about its limitations? While Intelligent Octopus Flux has many advantages, it’s important to be aware of where it may underwhelm.

Here is what you should know about the tariff’s current status:

  • Intelligent Octopus Flux is in an early stage of public accessibility.
  • Since it is a beta product, some aspects mightn’t work on the first go
  • Octopus Energy says that installations and processes could take longer than they’d prefer

With these points in mind, it’s fair to say that Intelligent Octopus Flux hasn’t likely seen its full potential yet. Of course, Octopus could fix any early-stage issues in the near future.

This obviously opens up the question of whether or not it’s worth waiting for the tariff to improve.

The next few sections will help shine a light on the pros and cons of Intelligent Octopus Flux so you can make an informed decision as to whether or not this tariff, including in its current form, is right for you. For instance, how does it compare with the regular Octopus Flux?

Intelligent Octopus Flux Vs. Octopus Flux

Smart export tariffs like Intelligent Octopus Flux offer a ton of benefits. However, it’s worth looking at how it weighs up with its predecessor, Octopus Flux.

Like Intelligent Octopus Flux, the ‘regular’ Octopus Flux also allows customers to sell energy to the grid while benefiting from the difference in off-peak and on-peak prices. That said, there are some key differences.

What Are The Advantages Of Intelligent Octopus Flux?

This is how Intelligent Octopus Flux stands out from the regular version:

  • Intelligent Octopus Flux pays more for the solar energy you export to/sell to the grid, with higher export rates than regular Octopus Flux
  • It also uses smart battery controls to automatically sell energy stored in your battery at on-peak energy hours
  • Unlike the regular version, Intelligent Octopus Flux automatically imports (buys) electricity during off-peak hours to power your battery
  • Intelligent Octopus Flux is more convenient since you do not need to do manual work like with the ordinary Octopus Flux*

*With the regular Octopus Flux tariff, you must sync up the export and import battery times to the grid’s on-peak and off-energy periods yourself.

Where Regular Octopus Flux Beats Intelligent Octopus Flux

Despite the above points, there are some ways in which the ordinary Octopus Flux tariff is a better option:

  • It’s easier to meet the eligibility criteria for Octopus Flux than Intelligent Octopus Flux
  • Moreover, any and all solar and battery setups/systems are eligible for the regular Octopus Flux
  • The ordinary tariff has been around for longer, whereas Intelligent Octopus Flux is potentially more prone to issues at this stage

Which Octopus Energy Tariff Is Better Overall?

The potential benefits of Intelligent Octopus Flux make it the better option on balance. It’s smart and convenient while offering the potential to earn more.

Of course, there will be scenarios where the regular version might be better for a given household. For instance, you may not want to splash out on a new GivEnergy battery even with the long-term benefits in mind.

Overall, we favour Intelligent Octopus Flux, but be sure to weigh up the pros and cons in the context of your circumstances.

How to Sign Up and Eligibility Criteria

To benefit from the Intelligent Octopus Flux tariff, there are some steps you’d need to take and eligibility criteria to meet.

Who Is Eligible For Intelligent Octopus Flux?

In order to sign up for Intelligent Octopus Flux, you must meet a range of eligibility criteria. First and foremost, you currently need a GivEnergy battery.

However, according to Octopus, you can let them know what battery type you have, and they’ll inform you when it can be connected.

Beyond that, you’ll need a modern smart meter installation, solar panels connected to your storage battery and a recent Android phone, iPhone or tablet.

Lastly, you’ll have to sign up for another Octopus Energy export tariff before moving up to an Intelligent Octopus Flux.

More specifically, you must first be signed up for a tariff like Octopus Flux or Octopus Outgoing before upgrading to Intelligent Octopus Flux, though the upgrading part should be fairly straightforward in and of itself.

What Signing Up To Intelligent Octopus Flux Involves

Feeling confident that you want to move forward and meet the eligibility criteria? Cool! The steps involved in signing up are as follows:

  • Ensure you can meet the eligibility criteria already mentioned
  • As part of this, you may sign up for Octopus Outgoing or Octopus Flux as a starting point
  • To sign up for a tariff, you must have an MCS or Flex-Or certification for your system.
  • You’ll also need a G98 or G99 application
  • Your Distribution Network Operator or DNO must provide their approval*
  • After your application is processed, you can apply for an export Meter Point Administration Number or MPAN (a 13-digit code that will be linked to your smart electricity meter) through your DNO
  • When your MPAN is provided and linked to your Octopus energy account (which should be within several weeks), you must provide Octopus with your first-meter reading
  • Next, Octopus Energy will connect with your smart meter, and your Intelligent Octopus Flux tariff will be ready to use
  • Download the Octopus App (if you haven’t already by this point), register your solar battery and change your tariff to Intelligent Octopus Flux

You can expect the steps above to take somewhere in the region of one to three months in total.

Switching suppliers will likely take around two to three weeks, with the rest of the time involved allocated to signing up for Intelligent Octopus Flux.

How Much Can I Earn Through Intelligent Octopus Flux?

Ready to start earning more for your solar power in 2025? Earnings can vary, though Intelligent Octopus Flux is a solid option if you want to benefit from favourable export rates!

In this section, we highlight the following key points:

  • You’ll likely earn several hundred pounds per year on Intelligent Octopus Flux
  • Different factors like the capacity of the GivEnergy battery used will ultimately shape how much you’ll earn
  • As a variable tariff, Intelligent Octopus Flux prices can go up and down over time

Key Factors For Intelligent Octopus Flux Earnings

Firstly, the main factors that can shape your expected earnings include:

  • How much energy you produce*
  • What percentage of this energy you sell to the grid
  • The amount you save by powering up your battery at off-peak hours
  • Energy import and export rates in your region.
  • The storage capacity of your GivEnergy battery

*How much energy your household generates will also, in turn, be shaped by the number of solar panels installed as well as their output and efficiency figures.

Potential Intelligent Octopus Flux Earnings: Detailed Example

To illustrate what your potential earnings may be, this detailed example estimates how much an average household with a suitable solar setup might earn annually.

Summary of Potential Intelligent Octopus Flux Earnings

A regular household might earn about £734 per year from selling battery-stored energy. Adjusted for the cost of charging the battery at off-peak times, the net earnings would be £323 per year. Let’s look at how we came to these figures in detail.

How Much Might I Earn From Intelligent Octopus Flux In Detail?

We’re basing the following example on a household with ten 350-watt solar panels. Since a 350-watt panel might generate about 265 kWh of electricity per year, ten of these together equals about 2,650 kWh of electricity output annually.

That said, earnings would depend on how much of this energy (or the equivalent amount for your system) you sell to the grid.

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Further, according to GivEnergy’s website, their solar batteries range in capacity from 2.6kWh to 13.5kWh.

For our example, we’ll say that the household requires 3,000 kWh of electricity per year and has the mid-range GivEnergy Gen 1 Giv-Bat 5.2 storage battery.

Using these details, here is what this could mean for potential earnings:

  • You use 75% of three-quarters of the energy produced by your solar array to simply power your home directly (1,988 kWh of electricity)
  • You use the other 25% to sell to the grid (662 kWh of electricity)
  • Purchase and import electricity to store via a solar storage battery (5.2kWh of electricity per day or around 1,900 kWh of electricity per year)
  • In total, you’d sell 662kWh + 1,900kWh = 2,562kWh of electricity to the grid per year, though you’d also need to spend (at the lower rate of about £0.22 per kWh) to charge up your battery at off-peak times, maybe costing around £1.15 per day if a 5.2kW battery is charged over three hours.
  • This would earn you approximately £743 per year; however, reducing the cost of charging the battery even at average off-peak times would minus around £420 each year
  • As a result, you’d expect to earn a net total of approximately £323 annually from electricity sold while considering the costs of charging your battery.
  • The above figure does not include the price of importing electricity for regular use.

For additional considerations, here are some hypothetical pointers to take in mind that can still be informative when adjusted for real-life scenarios:

  • With your solar panels meeting 1,988 kWh out of 3,000 kWh of your home’s electricity needs, you’d still be looking at paying around £258 on electricity per year plus a standing charge of £0.62 per day x 365 = £226.30 per year for a sub-total of £484.30
  • This would, all the same, be significantly less than what you’d pay for electricity if you did not have a solar array installed
  • Ultimately, with a net earnings figure of £323 per year, you’d lower your electricity bill such that you are only effectively paying £161.30 altogether

Likely Range In Potential Intelligent Octopus Flux Earnings

While the above example is helpful, the factors differing on a case-by-case basis means that you or any other household will earn, in reality, will vary.

For instance, your earnings will likely be lower than the above with a smaller solar array and/or one featuring less powerful panels.

After all, it’s not uncommon to have solar panels installed with power outputs of, say, 200 to 250 kWh. On the other hand, some higher-end panels can offer high outputs in the region of 500 to 600 kWh.

Once you have a setup in place, you may be able to make some informative estimates, though there’s no guarantee that a given estimate will be accurate unless all factors are in mind, including new and changing details of the tariff.

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Intelligent Octopus Flux Is A Variable Tariff 

It’s important to remember that Intelligent Octopus Flux rates do differ over time, with this tariff being an example of a variable tariff. This means that as wholesale energy prices differ, so will variable tariffs like Intelligent Octopus Flux.

For instance, government regulator Ofgem introduced a new quarterly energy price cap from October 1st (an increase of about 10%), so Intelligent Octopus Flux rates went up, too.

Intelligent Octopus Flux Import and Export Rates

You’re probably wondering what the exact import/export rates are for off-peak and on-peak times. Here, we’ll break down these details and, importantly, discuss how rates can vary throughout the UK.

Off-peak vs. On-peak Rates

As expected, Octopus Energy’s on-peak rate tends to be several pence higher than its off-peak rate. There is also a daily standing charge to keep in mind.

What you pay to buy electricity vs. what you are paid to sell will differ based on the time of the day.

However, at the same time and location, import and export rates remain the same until prices are adjusted across the board.

For instance, the price of importing on-peak electricity in Manchester during the peak energy hours of 4pm to 7pm will be the same price as buying on-peak electricity at the same location and time.

That said, this still opens up many other ways in which prices can differ. On average, the on-peak rates are generally 30%-or-so higher than off-peak rates, as shown in the below examples. Please be aware that a standing charge also applies, differing from region to region.

Here is how the company’s off-peak and on-peak rates differ (using estimates from the Octopus Energy ‘check your rates’ tool on its Intelligent Octopus Flux web page), including from region to region:

Import and Export Rates: *

LocationOff-PeakOn-PeakStanding Charge
London£0.23 per kWh£0.31 per kWh£0.60 per day
Cardiff£0.22 per kWh£0.29 per kWh£0.62 per day
Lincolnshire£0.21 per kWh£0.28 per kWh£0.66 per day
Manchester£0.23 per kWh£0.30 per kWh£0.50 per day
Average**£0.22 per kWh£0.29 per kWh£0.62 per day
Harrogate£0.21 per kWh£0.28 per kWh£0.70 per day
Liverpool£0.23 per kWh£0.30 per kWh£0.65 per day
Glasgow£0.22 per kWh£0.28 per kWh£0.62 per day
Nottinghamshire£0.22 per kWh£0.29 per kWh£0.55 per day
North Yorkshire£0.21 per kWh£0.28 per kWh£0.70 per day

*Regular rates fall in between the off-peak and on-peak rates

**This is an average based on the selected towns and cities listed above.

What Are The Pros and Cons of Intelligent Octopus Flux?

While we’ve already touched on some of the advantages and disadvantages of Intelligent Octopus Flux, it’s helpful to lay out the pros and cons standalone. 


  • You get paid more for the energy you sell to the grid
  • The tariff works automatically, offering convenience and saving you time
  • Offers you the chance to benefit more from using a solar panel array
  • You can buy electricity for less with purchases at off-peak times


  • You need a GivEnergy battery to be eligible 
  • You must have a modern smart meter to sign up for Intelligent Octopus Flux
  • It is still a beta product and is, therefore, susceptible to issues

Intelligent Octopus Flux Billing and Payment Choices

As discussed, the Intelligent Octopus Flux is a variable tariff, meaning that prices will differ over time depending on how wholesale energy costs have changed.

As with all other Octopus Energy smart tariffs, the company bills monthly using the half-hourly data recorded. Notably, Octopus Energy also claims that there are no exit fees or tie-ins associated with the Intelligent Octopus Flux tariff.

How Does Intelligent Octopus Flux Compare With Other Companies’ Tariffs?

Note: As a general rule of thumb, make sure to consider all eligibility criteria for any given smart tariff before signing up.

Though we’ve already compared Intelligent Octopus Flux with the ordinary Octopus Flux tariff, it’s also worth weighing up the former with the wider competition.

Intelligent Octopus Flux

Vs. Scottish Power’s SmartGen And SmartGen+

Scottish Power has two standout smart tariffs worth mentioning. While SmartGen is available to anyone with eligibility for the Smart Export Guarantee, SmartGen+ is specific to those who have solar panels installed through Scottish Power and have signed up for the right tariff in the first place.

Export prices are £0.12 per kWh for the SmartGen tariff and £0.15 per kWh in the case of SmartGen+. 

However, each of the abovementioned Scottish Power tariffs falls behind in potential financial value when compared with Intelligent Octopus Flux.

Also, in the case of Scottish Power, payments are made directly to customers every 90 days through their bank accounts.

That said, depending primarily on how long it takes to receive your MPAN from your local Distribution Network Office or DNO, it may be quicker to get on a Scottish Power smart tariff than Intelligent Octopus Flux. 

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Based on details from Scottish Power’s official website, it should take somewhere between two and twelve weeks to sign up for SmartGen or SmartGen+.

Vs. British Gas Export and Earn Plus

British Gas offers a variable smart export tariff in the form of their Export and Earn Plus tariff. This tariff pays customers £0.15 per kWh. However, among other eligibility criteria, you must be a British Gas customer to benefit from this tariff.

Through the Export and Earn Plus tariff, customers can receive payments from British Gas every three months and within four weeks of the company receiving the latest export reading from your meter. You are free to cancel the British Gas Export and Earn Plus at any time. 

Intelligent Octopus Flux Customer Feedback and Reviews

As for customer reviews and feedback on Intelligent Octopus Flux, this is mostly found through online forums such as Reddit and the MoneySavingExpert forum.

For example, on Reddit, users discussed the advantages of this tariff, such as benefiting from high export rates through selling to the grid on Intelligent Octopus Flux. That said, one user highlighted issues with battery compatibility and the fact that those with small solar systems may not really benefit.

Users also discussed EV charging, including the potential upsides and downsides of charging an EV while on Intelligent Octopus Flux, including having a battery that automatically discharges at certain times when perhaps you’ll want to charge your EV at or around those hours.

On the Money Saving Expert forum, one user shared their billing and electricity consumption data, describing the exports as lucrative.

However, another user explained that they had not received a bill recently, meaning that they could not distinguish between exports and imports. They were critical of Octopus Energy’s customer service.

As for customer reviews/feedback on Octopus Energy as a brand, the company enjoys a stellar 4.8-star rating on TrustPilot, with 89% being five-star ratings and 6% giving it a four-star score. This means that only 5% of reviewers gave it a three-star rating or less. This is from some 405,000 reviews in total.

On the other hand, Octopus Energy has just a 1.8-star rating on Reviews.io. That said, this is from just 1,374 reviews, meaning that the abovementioned Trustpilot score holds much more weight.

All the same, it’s still worth keeping in mind the lower score here. It is somewhat strange that both figures are so different since nearly 1,400 reviews are still a sizeable number. 

Ultimately, Octopus Energy has a lot going for it when it comes to customer reviews/feedback, though it should be taken with a grain of salt given the gap between Trustpilot and Reviews.io ratings, while Intelligent Octopus Flux is popular among some, but others have raised concerns including based on their own experiences.

What to Expect From Intelligent Octopus Flux

Whether as a user or a potential future customer, you’ll want to know what the future might have in store for Intelligent Octopus Flux.

Rising Rates And Intelligent Octopus Flux Competition

After the Smart Export Guarantee was introduced in January 2020, it meant that suppliers had to provide suitable solar export tariffs, and naturally, we have seen an increase in the export rates of these tariffs from/since this time.

Octopus Energy offers significantly better rates for selling (exporting) electricity than in the past. 

For example, earlier in the decade, Octopus Energy offered an export rate of 7-and-a-half pence per kWh, which increased to £0.15 per kWh in 2022 before rising further in 2023.

While Intelligent Octopus Flux now offers very favourable rates, competitors like E.ON, OVO, British Gas and the EDF have raised their export tariff rates in recent times. 

This all paints a picture of an energy future in which export rates may continue to rise over time, although so might the strength of the competition.

Present And Future Nature of Intelligent Octopus Flux

As Intelligent Octopus Flux evolves, it should emerge from being a beta product to a more reliable and favourable smart tariff. 

That said, it’s hard to say whether there might be certain advantages to signing up for Intelligent Octopus Flux now versus at a later date.

Again, as a variable tariff, Intelligent Octopus Flux prices will change over time. With Ofgem price cap prices expected to fall slightly through 2025, this means there’s a reasonable chance that import prices will decline over the next year. However, this is just the state of current predictions, and the details may change at a later point. 

Further, it’s very difficult to say how energy prices may change two or three years out, although, with ongoing efforts to increase the UK’s use of renewable electricity and improve the nation’s energy self-reliance, there may be greater price stability toward the end of the decade and beyond. 

How Intelligent Octopus Flux Export Rates May Change From Here

Of course, Octopus Energy still has an incentive to set good export rates, even if the price cap declines over time, to entice more potential customers to join and existing ones to stay with their Intelligent Octopus Flux tariff.

How this might unfold is difficult to currently say, given that Octopus Energy presently ties import and export prices based on the time of the day. 

As things stand, keeping import and export prices the same makes sense as it is a) appealing to customers and b) sustainable for Octopus.

If these prices become untied, however, it would allow Octopus Energy to lower import rates as the energy price cap reduces while export rates increase in response to a potentially declining energy price cap. Such a move may be affordable and sustainable for Octopus Energy at a later point, depending on how their financial situation evolves, as well as the energy market more broadly.

Changing Electricity Usage Levels And Summary

It’s also important to consider the potential impact of more heating systems that require electricity to function (e.g. air-source heat pumps or ground-source heat pumps), electric vehicles and the potential for increased domestic electricity usage more generally.

Whatever the case, a future that involves greater electricity needs may lower the value of high tariff export rates should households need more power for other uses, with less room to sell back to the grid.

Ultimately, the future of Intelligent Octopus Flux is (fittingly, given its name) up in the air. That said, if you are looking for a smart export tariff, Intelligent Octopus Flux is certainly worth serious consideration. Just keep in mind that it may or may not continue to benefit you to the extent desired for the years ahead.

A Summary Of Intelligent Octopus Flux

Octopus Energy’s Intelligent Octopus Flux is among the best solar export tariffs on the market, offering households the potential to earn hundreds of pounds a year!

Offering the highest export tariffs in the UK and the ability to automatically charge and discharge your solar battery, Octopus Energy’s innovative tariff is worth serious consideration!

While it has some limitations and tricky eligibility criteria, if you have a solid solar setup or plan to next year, the earning potential makes Intelligent Octopus Flux a major draw.


1. How does Intelligent Octopus Flux differ from other Octopus Flux tariffs?

Intelligent Octopus Flux offers a higher export rate, allowing you to earn more for selling excess solar to the grid. Import rates are also lower, meaning you can buy electricity at a cheaper rate.

2. What batteries are compatible with Intelligent Octopus Flux?

At the moment, only GivEnergy batteries are compatible with this tariff.

3. Is it worth signing up for Intelligent Octopus Flux?

There are arguments for and against signing up to this tariff. That said, while it can take months to sign up fully, there is significant earning potential. If you have an average or above-average solar array setup, it’ll generally be worthwhile, although if you have a small solar system installed, it might not be worth it if you are set to make around £100 or less. Be sure to keep in mind potential savings based on your circumstances when making a decision.

4. What are the Intelligent Octopus Flux peak hours?

The peak hours for this tariff are 4pm to 7pm, when, on average, Octopus Energy import and export prices are about £0.29 on average. By automatically exporting power stored in your battery during these hours, you can get paid the maximum amount offered by this tariff.

5. Is Intelligent Octopus Flux a fixed rate?

No, this smart tariff is a type of variable tariff, meaning that prices go up and down based on wholesale energy prices. As a result, the off-peak and on-peak energy prices can vary over time depending on the state of the energy market.