Most Energy Efficient Tumble Dryers in the UK 2025

Last updated: February 27, 2025

Which type of tumble dryer is the most economical and uses the least amount of energy? In this guide we will explain exactly what to consider when looking for an energy efficient tumble dryer and what to avoid.

It’s no secret that tumble dryers are one of the most energy consuming household appliances in the UK.

In fact, the average 2,500 watt tumble dryer costs around 85p an hour to run (or 14p for 10 minutes).

However, the good news is that by choosing a tumble dryer with an energy rating of A+++ could save you an estimated £980 per year compared to a B rated model.

Energy Efficient Tumble Dyers

Key Points:

  • The most efficient tumble dryers will have an energy rating of A+++
  • The most efficient type of tumble dryers are heat pump tumble dryers, like this one on Amazon.
  • Other features can also be useful for those wanting to save energy including sensors that tell you when your clothes are dry.
  • Remember that using a washing line is a free and effective method of clothes drying.

#1 Samsung Series 5 Heat Pump Dryer (A+++)

Our top pick: Most efficient tumble dryer

The Samsung Series 5 is a heat pump dryer – the most efficient type of tumble dryer currently available.


It is rated A+++ for energy efficiency, the highest rating available and it achieves this by reheating the air already within the drum.

The series 5 also has a 35 minute quick drying feature, meaning it can dry a complete load within that reasonable timeframe.

The Samsung dryer is also smart enabled, meaning you can control and monitor your load from the comfort of your smart phone or device for added convenience.

Check price on Amazon

How much energy do tumble dryers use?

The exact amount of energy your tumble dryer consumes will depend on a variety of factors including the type of dyer you have, the appliances wattage, it’s energy rating, how long you have it running, as well as your current energy tariff.

However, for the sake of providing an answer, the average 2,500 watt tumble dryer costs around 85p an hour to run (or 14p for 10 minutes).

Running Costs By Dryer Type

There are three main types of tumble dryer currently available and the type you use can also impact the running costs.

These include the following:

  • Condenser tumble dryers
  • Vented tumble dryers
  • Heat pump tumble dryers

Running costs of a Vented Tumble Dryer

Vented tumble dryers tend to be the most expensive type of tumble dryer to run.

For example, an 7kg vented tumble dryer uses an average 5.85kWh of electricity on each use, which is around 585kWh each year. This would lead to an average cost of £2 per use or £200 per year

Running Costs of a Condenser Tumble Dryer

In the case of a 7kg condenser tumble dryer, it would use roughly 5.6kWh of electricity for a standard cycle and roughly 560kWh per year. This would lead to an average cost of £1.90 per use or £190.40 per year.

Running Costs of a Heat Pump Tumble Dryer

A 7kg heat pump tumble dryer, uses around 2.18kWh of electricity for each regular cycle, and an estimated 270kWh per year. This would lead to an average cost of 74p per use or £91.80 per year

Which tumble dryer is cheapest to run?

By far the most energy efficient and eco friendly tumble dryer are heat pump tumble dryers.

On average, in terms of running costs, they cost less than half of that of a vented or condenser model.

Electric heat pump tumble dryers are so much more economical as they effectively recycle the heat via the ventilation tube – returning it back into the dryer after absorbing the water vapour from the air.

Unfortunately, the downside is that even though they are the most efficient and cost the least to run, they also tend to be the most expensive type of dryer to buy.

How do Energy Efficiency Ratings Work?

The Energy label or energy label rating system was launched in the UK over 20 years ago.

The system is designed to provide an indication of how much energy the appliance or in this case the tumble dryer and how much it will use during operation.

The rating system for tumble dryers has a scale from A+++ to D, with A+++ being the most efficient and D the least efficient.

The general rule is that the appliances are categorised by their size.

In short, this means that two different sized appliances with the same energy rating may actually have different running costs.

Tumble Dryer Energy Ratings Comparison

Now you know how energy ratings work, how do they compare in financial terms?

An A+++ tumble dryer can save you approximately £455 a year compared to an A-rated one. 

While opting for an A+++ rated one over a B-rated could save you around £980 per year.

Please note: the above figures are based on the average lifespan of a tumble dryer, which is 13 years.

Energy Efficient/Eco Friendly Tumblr Dryers Conclusion

If you are currently looking for a new energy efficient tumble dryer consider a heat pump model if you can afford it.

They do tend to be more expensive than the vented and condenser varieties, but they are 50% cheaper to run on average, so the potential savings you will make over it’s lifetime make it a worthwhile investment.

Also consider the energy rating with A+++ being the most energy efficient and D being the least.

Lastly, remember that you always have the option of drying your clothes for free, either by using your washing line or an indoor clothes rack.

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